Hey everyone! Thank you for joining me again!

I’m going to be talking about my morning routine 🙂 

The one thing that is constantly talked about now is having a set morning routine. It’s actually a really good way to start a successful day. Many entrepreneurs and top CEO’s swear by it. It’s a way to get little things done like cleaning your desk, working out for 10 minutes, meditating for 5, etc. It prepares your mind for the tasks ahead. 

I’m going to share mine that I do on the weekdays. I’m trying to do it on the weekends too but your girl is working on it haha. It’s not easy. But I’ve been doing quite well recently. 

My morning routine is as follows:

-6:30AM : Wake up, brush my teeth, drink a glass of water, sit and read my Children’s bible (I’m a new Christian, please refer to my My Journey to Being a Christian!)

-7:00AM : I make my bed and then change into workout clothes

-7:05AM : I stretch it out and get ready to do either my own workout or Gabriella Whited workouts (they’re intense, I literally cry sweat) 

-7:30AM : If I have more time then I will just take some time to stretch again but then I go straight into meditation for 5 minutes

-7:35AM : I go and pack some lunch for the day or prepare some snacks depending on school/work days (sometimes my mom does it for me). Then I would make some breakfast and eat it while watching my favorite JKNEWS. If I make my lunch fast enough, I will have time to watch more videos. 

-8:00AM : This is when I do my makeup and get dressed. I try to plan my outfits the night before so this process is easy. My makeup process takes like 5-10 minutes. 

-8:25AM : Prepare to go to work or school! If school starts at like 12 then I will spend the rest of my time just planning my day out or get some blogging done 🙂 

I hope this has inspired you to get creative and create a morning routine!! It has definitely helped me.

Much love,

Annie ❤

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